Any artists or illustrator has once come across the idea of weaving his or her pen in the air as opposed to on paper in order to bring an idea to life. With the recent advancements in 3D printing, that is all possible now. The Magic 3D Pen Set is the new hype.
The back of the pen contains a filament input which receives the plastic thread. This is also where the power socket is located for charging. Depending on the design, a light based indicator will tell you how warm the plastic is, once it is at the right temperature you can start drawing.
- Low temperature, special heating nozzle, it is safe
- Adjustable printing speed
- Replaceable nozzle
- Stable stand
- Low operating sound
- USB power bank supported
- Do not touch the tip of the pen when in use
- High temperature (high speed) - 210°
- Medium temperature (medium speed) - 200°
- Low temperature (low speed) - 190°
Each Pen Set includes:
1 x 3D printing pen
1 x Power Adapter
1 x USB cable
1 x English User Manual
1 x 1.75mm PLA Filaments (Color Random)
1 x Base
1 x Gift Box
Spare PLA Colors:
- Length: 5m each
- Colors will be sent randomly
Note: Suitable for children ages 8 and up